Thursday, 26 January 2012

Post 2: "Psycho"

What may be seen as Hitchcock’s best film, the 1960 horror film “Psycho” is one of the most recognizable movies in cinema history. The lighting and different angles were two major parts of the filming and in my opinion made the . The music also played an important role in the film as it helped build suspense. Shadows are a main element that Hitchcock uses to create a dramatic effect. The use of shadows is a technique he uses to build drama, that is most evident in the shower scene which I will be discussing in more detail below. Another example is the stuffed birds shadow over Marion when she is eating in the back room with Norman. Also, only shadows of Norman’s mother are shown (until the very end of the film.) The Bates' house is always darkly lit, only being able to see the outline and the shadow of Mrs. Bates in the window.

During the car scene, the camera is dead centre on Marion, not slightly off but precisely in the middle. The audience can tell by the music that something bad is going to happen. Because she is the main character, the audience thinks that nothing bad could happen to her. She battles her subconscious while driving to the Bates Motel as the voices of people talking about her wondering where she is are played in the background. Marion is focused on the road the entire car scene with a worried look on her face which creates a sense of fear and suspense for the audience. Eventually the camera slowly zooms in on her face. 

The infamous shower scene is one of the most well known scenes in cinematic history and has become iconic in popular culture. It is shot through the killer’s eyes, not Marion’s eyes. The scene is mostly shot through close up shots, making it feel more subjective. You can see only the shadows of the killer from behind the curtain and slowly walking up towards the curtain. The screeching music begins and Marion’s screaming creates a sense of fear from the audience. After she is stabbed, the camera focuses in on her hand sliding down the wall, and reaching for the curtain (as pictured above.) Then the camera focuses on the blood being washed down the shower drain, such as they are washing away Marion’s character. The audience doesn't actually see the knife penetrating Marion's skin, but there is still a great sense of fear and terror felt by the audience even though they never see it.

Killing off the main character in the first half of the film was one of the biggest surprises of the movie, which the audience would not have suspected (at least I didn't suspect it.) The emotions felt by the actors were felt by the audience through making the audience a subjective character within the plot. 

Post 1: Sitcoms

List three/four sitcoms you watched when you were young or watch now. What society is expressed or is referenced in the sitcoms? What is normal in society? Reflect on the society. 


"Friends" is one of the most watched and well known television sitcoms. The series revolves around six friends and their daily lives. It demonstrates what community and friendship looks like. I found that often it can be a little exaggerated in what happens in daily life, but it does display problems that can arise in a friendship and in life. The friends live in an urban centre, in New York City. Despite their jobs and sometimes their financial problems, they all live in nicely furnished apartments and are well dressed. They are all good looking people with mostly successful lives. The society that is referenced in "Friends" is a homogeneous culture, where all of the main characters are white with hardly any minorities being shown throughout the series. 
Even though the series has ended for quite some time, it has made a large cultural impact that is still evident today. Whether it be old episodes still being played on tv, or people quoting a line off of the show, Friends is still evident in society today.

"Full House"

"Full House" is about a man in San Fransisco whose wife is deceased and has to raise his three daughters, with the help of his two friends. The sitcom is about family values, and shows a middle class family dealing with everyday life situations.  It shows typical problems that a family may go through. People were able to relate to the characters and the situations. It was often cheesy compared to television shows today, but at the time, the situations may have been realistic. The series shows an all-American typical family (except the fact that there is no mother figure) and the struggles that a family goes through. Family values were the most important feature of the show and how to resolve situations within a family.
"Full House", like "Friends", also had a large impact on culture. The show ended four years after I was born yet it still was popular when I was growing up, which demonstrates that it impacted children years after it ended. 

"The King of Queens"

"The King of Queens" is about a blue-collar family in Queens, New York. Normal family and problems arise. This sitcom mainly deals with problems with parents and with relationships. It is the typical pattern where the women does chores and is not happy. Then the man screws up, but by the end they always resolve the issue. Out of all of the three sitcoms I chose, "The King of Queens" seems to be the most realistic and relatable, in that these are situations the everyday family or person deals with. Examples such as being laid off of a job, struggling with financial problems, and other issues that arise with the everyday blue collar family. It shows an average society, a couple living in an average house in Queens. 

In all, the three sitcoms show the comfort of a middle class society, which most people bask in and seem to enjoy. They all are realistic in the sense that they show problems most people can relate to and how to resolve those situations. Whether it be problems with a friendship, in a relationship or family problems. 



Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Hello and welcome to my blog!

This blog is for my course "Understanding Popular Culture" that I am taking at Wilfrid Laurier University. We were given the assignment to keep a journal or create a blog where we would be responding to questions and topics that were assigned in class. I decided to create a blog, given that the course is all about popular culture, what better way to write about popular culture then on a blog! Blogging is something that is becoming so popular in society, so I wanted to try it out!